A Quick and Dirty Review of the Zygor WoW Guide

Zygor WoW Guide

A Quick and Dirty Review of the Zygor WoW Guide 

Table of Contents


1.Questing – The Bread and Butter of the Zygor WoW Guide 2.Dungeons / Raids – Better than Wowhead? 3.Dailies – AKA World Quests 4.Events – A Diamond in the Rough 5.Reputations – Not Quite Relevant in BfA 6.Gold – Worthy of the Elite Package? 7.Professions – A Helpful Addition 9.Pets, Mounts, Titles, and Achievements – The Best Part of the Zygor Guides 10. Conclusion

1. Introduction 

In this review I’ll be giving a quick and dirty overview and review of the Zygor WoW Guide. I’ll be going over each of the sections provided in the Elite section of the Zygor guide, as the free version is pretty bare bones and is more of a trial to give you a feel of a test drive.

The Elite package for Zygor guides is 7.99 a month with long-term subscription options with discounted rates. You can cancel anytime after subscribing, though it is not instant and instead refers your cancellation to their support team, so be careful about canceling at the end of your month.

2. Questing – The Bread and Butter of the Zygor WoW Guide 

This is the popular draw for Zygor guides, and it does have an extensive amount of content. With the popular add-on Azeroth Auto Pilot out now though, it does seem a little redundant. The two are very similar when it comes down to it. Azeroth Auto Pilot has a preloaded guide of quests through every zone.

It uses TomTom to give an arrow to your next objective. It updates your progress if you complete a quest before getting to it on the guide and skips over it. The Zygor guide does all of this, though in one complete package. It also is not nearly as annoying as Azeroth Auto Pilot, as it does not have pop-up messages every time you log in, or settings that reset every time there is a hotfix.

Overall, the Zygor guide does have a slight edge on free addons by being a more complete, polished product.

Zygor WoW Guide

3. Dungeons / Raids – Better than Wowhead? 

I would love to review this content, but there does not seem to be any for the current expansion. Just know that if you are looking for information regarding Dungeon and Raid content, the Adventure Guide (shift-J) should be enough. It is a little disappointing that this feature is not in the Zygor guide yet.

4. Dailies – AKA World Quests 

I found this portion of the Zygor guide to be kind of unnecessary for the current expansion, though I suppose if you are struggling with a World Quest they do have a decent amount of them written up already for you.

Though to be honest, since most World Quests are simply to ‘kill 8 trolls’ or down a particular elite, the guide isn’t really needed and just makes grinding through World Quests that much longer.

The Dailies guides for past expansion dailies is rather well filled out though, so if you are looking at farming a particular reputation, these can be quite helpful.

5. Events – A Diamond in the Rough 

Now we are getting into the parts of the Zygor guide that I find to be quite useful. There are several different events throughout World of Warcraft happening at different times.

Finding out everything you need to do to get an achievement can be tricky, and Zygor has all of them pre-loaded and ready to go. Certainly useful for getting that Violet Proto Drake!

6. Reputations – Not Quite Relevant in BfA 

Similar to the ‘Dailies’ portion of the Zygor guide, I found this section to be unnecessary for the current expansion. Most of the time you load up a particular guide for a reputation in Battle for Azeroth, it simply says “Do World Quests for that faction”. Oh really?

Thank goodness for that little nugget of info! It is quite unfortunate too, because there actually is a lot more you could be doing than World Quests and War Campaign Missions to get reputation with a lot of these factions, something this part of the Zygor guide completely misses out on. As always, though, previous expansion content seems to be well gathered and written.

Zygor WoW Guide

7. Gold – Worthy of the Elite Package? 

This one is kind of sad for me, because it was the section of the Zygor guide I was really looking forward to using, and also the one that was the most disappointing. Their website promises a host of useful tools like a huge list of farms that you can choose from as well as their gold per hour, net profit, etc. Instead, what you see is…well, you can go ahead and look.

Zygor WoW Guide

You see right, 5 items. 5 farms to choose from, and honestly I wouldn’t even waste my time on any of these. Gathering and Crafting (when you can actually get the client to sync with your professions, which is a hassle) has its uses as long as you know what you are doing, but the Zygor guide tends to promote selling silly things like last expansion epics for extreme prices that will never sell, or trying to snap up old materials that have as good a chance at losing you money as anything.

The Auctions submenu is easily the most robust of the four, and actually has useful information. Again, as long as you know what to do with the information being given to you, it can be quite useful. Gold being as hard as it is to make in this expansion though, I am a little disappointed in the Zygor guide for its lack of meaningful gold-making guides.

8. Professions – A Helpful Addition 

As a stark contrast to my thoughts on the Gold guide, the Profession section of the Zygor guide is actually very nice! I really appreciated the ability to see exactly how many materials I needed to gather before I started crafting, and what items would be the most efficient to craft for each skill up.

With Warfront Contributions being a somewhat regular thing in BfA, having professions skilled up on any of your characters is more important than it has been before. Having a guide that helps you get there really helps.

9. Pets, Mounts, Titles, and Achievements – The Best Part of the Zygor Guides  

Zygor WoW Guide

Now we’re talking! This is, in my opinion, where the Zygor guide really shines. Every mount, pet, title, or achievement in the game that you could hope to achieve is on the Zygor guide as well as relatively detailed instructions on how to get them.

I remember when looking for information on a specific title having to do quite a bit of research just to figure out finally what quest or raid boss I had to kill, but the Zygor guide makes it very easy to have all of that information at the click of a button.

No more endless Wowhead tabs cluttering your Chrome. No more 12 minute Youtube videos with 30 seconds of useful information! This part of the Zygor guide actually made title hunting so easy for me that I actually found the grind kind of fun, something I never really enjoyed in World of Warcraft before.

Zygor WoW Guide

Mount hunting is equally more enjoyable, with a large selection detailing the source for every mount in the game. A handy search function makes it all the more easier to see a mount you like in a capital city, search for it, and be well on your way to obtaining that mount in seconds.

Zygor WoW Guide

10. Conclusion 

Overall, I think the Zygor guide does a commendable job of getting a heaping load of information that only an MMORPG 13 years in the making can produce and putting it into a sleek, readable package.

The Zygor guide does have its flaws – the gold making guide is less of a guide and more of a collection of tools that can maybe make you gold. The guide also is lagging behind in content for the latest expansion, something that I hope will be fixed in the coming months.

In truth, the Zygor guide is really a jack-of-all-trades mod, a swiss army knife of information that doesn’t excel at any one thing but rather gives you the ability to find some information on anything you want to.

Could you substitute several already existing, free mods and do without the Zygor guide? Sure, but if you have the knowledge to do that, then you aren’t who this guide is for.

I would recommend the Zygor guide to those playing World of Warcraft who have a basic knowledge, but have maybe only been playing for an expansion or two.

Someone who would really like to see some of the older content or get some cool titles, mounts, or achievements as well as level an alt or two.

As an experienced player who has seen most of the content WoW has to offer however, I don’t think I will be re upping my elite subscription, though I do plan on using some of its guides to beef up my ever growing collections of mounts, pets, and titles!

Thanks again for reading and as always, take care and enjoy! See you in the World…of Warcraft!

Related topics: wow leveling guide, Zygor wow guide, gold making guide, profession leveling, World of Warcraft, achievements, mount guide, Battle for Azeroth

Outside reference
