Leveling in Battle for Azeroth 8.1

Havenswood Island Expedition, Battle for Azeroth

wow legion wow bfa

5 Things To Know About Leveling in Battle for Azeroth 8.1

Table of Contents 

  1. Faction Assaults
  2. Experience Buffs Galore
  3. More Heirlooms
  4. Island Expeditions More Consistent
  5. Leveling Below Level 110 Will Be Much Faster

New, exciting changes are coming to World ofWarcraft: Battle for Azeroth in the 8.1 content patch, Tides of Vengeance,coming out on December 11th. Players are looking for a good reason to giveBattle for Azeroth another try.

Blizzard has a lot of plans going forward, and 8.1 is the beginning of Blizzard’s attempt to keep the World of Warcraft audience captivated.

They have chosen to do so first with a heavy focus on an Azerite trait rework, more story content, and a heavy focus on player leveling.

This patch includes a host of changes for max level characters.

However, there are quite a few exciting changes for those of us leveling alts or leveling for the first time in Zandalar and Kul’Tiras. This guide will go throughout those changes and hopefully give you a jump start to your leveling.

Faction Assault Map, Battle for Azeroth

1. Faction Assaults

The main content coming to Battle for Azerothin 8.1 aside from the new raid is the Faction Assaults.

Similar to LegionInvasions in the previous expansion, Faction Assaults are time limited events located around the 6 new zones with a host of World Quests.

You will have to have WorldQuests unlocked on your account and have begun the War Campaign.

Once you do so you can enjoy killing elites, assassinating important targets, or taking control of siege vehicles for a hefty sum of experience points per World Quest completion.

A host of different rewards are available, including the new Faction Assault currency.

Draught of Ten Lands, Battle for Azeroth

2. Experience Buffs Galore

In addition to the new Faction Assaults, players can look forward to using a new consumable which increases experience gained by 10% as well as +20 to all stats for one hour.

This consumable can be gained by simply guiding yourself to your Warfront vendor with 10 Honorbound or 7th Legion Service Medals.

This currency is rewarded by completing World Quests during a Faction Assault. This buff is not limited to the BfA zones, so get ready to stock up!


Players can also get a 10% bonus to experience gain by completing a Faction Assault.

Once you complete a Faction Assault, a buff called Taste of Victory will be applied for one hour.

The buff gives you 10% bonus to experience from all sources and persists through death.Perfect for leveling with War Mode on!

It is unknown whether the potion, Faction Assault buff, or War Mode experience bonus will stack. It is safe to assume you could be looking at a total of 50% bonus experience gained while leveling in Zandalar or Kul’Tiras!

Cloak of hardened steel, Battle for Azeroth

3. More Heirlooms

With the new Faction Assault vendors come more heirlooms. Cloak and Trinket heirlooms will be available for purchase for 75 Service Medals.

The cloak is similar to the ones currently in the game. However, the chief improvement is that it is able to switch between strength, agility, and intellect. This means that any class of any specialization can wear it.

The trinkets have a special on-use effect that applies buffs to your entire party within 40 yards. Good for running dungeons with friends! It is unknown whether the same trinkets stack with each other.

There are 3 different trinkets with 3 different stat buffs, which will stack with each other when used.

Havenswood Island Expedition, Battle for Azeroth

4. Island Expeditions are More Consistent

Recently, Island Expeditions were given a huge boost to the experience gained. Once a week, you could get 140,000 experience for completing an expedition.

8.1 sees more improvements to Island Expeditions:

  •  A vendor available for using Seafarer’s Dubloons
  •  More consistent rewards for simply doing Expeditions rather than hunting  down specific mobs
  •  Two brand new islands to explore.

There is no more need to read guides on what mobs to kill or which island events need to be completed, as a Dubloon vendor will be available to purchase cosmetic rewards.

Ion Hazzikostas, the Game Director for World of Warcraft, recently said in a panel at BlizzCon “If you want to level up doing only Island Expeditions, go ahead and do just that.”

Level table, Battle for Azeroth, Battle for Azeroth

5. Leveling Below Level 110 Will Be Much Faster.

Due to a large amount of complaints by the leveling public of WoW, Blizzard has reduced the exp requirement for leveling up by up to 40% per level.

This, combined with the added new Experience potion from Faction Assaults should lead to a much quicker leveling experience.

Note: This change is already live, so if you want to level up a new allied race or just a new alt, go ahead and get going!

Overall, Blizzard has made some very positive changes for altoholics and those looking to level their very first character.

With Faction Assaults, Island Expeditions, Dungeons, PvP, and good old fashioned questing available, there are a large variety of activities to get you to the max level and ready to take on the new patch content.

Time will tell whether the changes Blizzard has made and the additional content they have added will successfully reinvigorate theWorld of Warcraft player base.

One thing is for sure, those who are focusing on leveling characters will hopefully be happy to know that their needs have been sated. It’s never been a better time to be enjoying leveling!

As always, take care and enjoy! See you in the World of Warcraft!

PS Pro-tip: The Heirloom mount (ChauffeuredChopper) counts you as a passenger rather than a rider, so you are immune to being dazed and dismounted! Very useful for making big pulls on IslandExpeditions.

Outside resource on Azeroth here
